Professor Noob's Daily Disquisitions

Monday, April 27, 2009

Professor Noob's Manifesto

We have come full circle, my friends. A few months ago I was blogging about how I should be working on my book instead, and lookee here...I'm still blogging about how I should be working on my book instead. Eh, I've already put off my final Honors paper to the week before graduation, I might as well procrastinate some more...

...which has resulted in a new template, as you can see. Fleur and The Only Bagel in France shamed me into actually being creative.

This particular template is representative of the miraculous direction in which my life is headed. No more stodginess! No more nagging! No more worrying about what a gaggle of teenagers think of me! Instead, there lies ahead of me a path of poverty, struggle, intellectual exhaustion and the rude broadening of my tender horizons. But - and this is important - it does not involve wearing a suit. I will saunter down my path of vague but high ambitions with combat boots and a half-shaved head, aiming the tank of my prose at prejudiced ass-hats and refusing to be embarrassed by farts.

So there.
posted by Professor Noob at 7:12 PM


I like it! Quick note, there's a giant blank spot on the left side of my screen.

April 27, 2009 at 8:03 PM  

Looks good!

(And farts are funny...)

April 27, 2009 at 8:22 PM  

Who the hell are you ???????????????????????????
Professor noob is my name and also my nickname
What make su so special to use that name too,huh?
U SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30, 2009 at 11:20 PM  

If you'd been paying attention, you would realize that I am a "daughter of a bitch."

Asshats with poor spelling make me LOL. :D

May 4, 2009 at 9:59 AM  

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